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Women in Leadership

Last month, I was invited to attend a Women in Leadership meeting at a local school with other local Principals, Leading Teachers and Team Leaders attending.

What was really amazing, was that the Regional Director for Victoria had been invited to speak about his views on getting women into leadership positions! As many people would know, there is a fairly substantial amount of women teachers in our country. 84% of teachers in Victoria are women! Yet women in leadership roles does not reflect this.


There are many reasons and answers to that question that we pondered and worked through that night.

For me, I honestly haven't been made aware of the actual career progression that will get me to a Leading Teacher / Learning Specialist role which is currently my aim. I want to be in that position. I want to facilitate and instruct high level teaching and understanding of the curriculum. I want to help teachers achieve and embed High Impact Teaching Strategies... But HOW DO I GET THERE?? It's a bit of a mystery?

I have seen some teachers go back to University (whilst teaching, might I add...!) to get a Masters of either Education, Instructional Practice, Leadership etc. But do I really need to do that? There goes $20K!

I am passionate about teaching but feeling lost on a winding path that I can't see how to reach the end goal - Lead teachers to want to be better for their students.

I can't wait to go to the next Women in Leadership meeting where we will continue to workshop problems and talk about how we can achieve our goals. Before the next one, I also am aiming to use part of a PPD to shadow or meet with a Principal to see what the Principal Class Officer team really entails! Fingers crossed!

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