What makes a Little Gem?
Teaching Little Gems is more than just teaching students to read, write and do maths!
Teach them fundamentals about kindness and the traits of a great leader and they will become a diamond in your gold mine!
Gratitude - Empathy - Mindfulness
Gratitude - What is it?
"Gratitude is a feeling that spontaneously emerges from within. However, it is not simply an emotional response; it is also a choice we make. We can choose to be grateful, or we can choose to be ungrateful—to take our gifts and blessings for granted. As a choice, gratitude is an attitude or disposition. good ones. The daily practice of gratitude keeps the heart open regardless of what comes our way." - Angeles Arrien as posted on A Network for Grateful Living.
Learn More by clicking the link that will take you to an article on SBS
Empathy - What is it?
Empathy is simply recognizing emotions in others, and being able to "put yourself in another person's shoes" – understanding the other person's perspective and reality.
To be empathic, you have to think beyond yourself and your own concerns. Once you see beyond your own world, you'll realize that there's so much to discover and appreciate!
Learn More by clicking the link to a KidsHealth PDF for Grades 3-5
KidsMatter says:
Mindfulness is a whole body-mind state of awareness that involves ‘tuning in’ to the present moment, with openness and curiosity, instead of ‘tuning out’ from experience. Mindfulness is a state of being fully awake to life – being aware and undistracted in the present moment. It is about focusing attention on the present, rather than thinking about the past or worrying about the future- which is often our brain’s default mode.
Mindful awareness is something that we all possess and that can be strengthened through practice. Mindfulness can be developed through formal sitting meditation practices, or through informal everyday mindfulness activities that use the senses to anchor the attention: such as mindful walking, listening to music, eating or conversation. Mindfulness is a clinically proven tool to support wellbeing and mental health by reducing stress and allowing life to be experienced more fully.
Learn More by clicking the link to a KidsMatter article