Gratitude + Cosmic Kids Yoga
Recently my students have been participating in Cosmic Kids Yoga. I began using this program in my class due to the rise of anxiety and restlessness in my class. We already participate in fortnightly BluEarth sessions which includes some yoga and mindfulness activities. However, we had some major disruptions to the calm environment that our class had previously enjoyed so adding to the program to support students was high on the priority list.

Cosmic Kids is run by Jaime and her husband who have created some wonderful videos to help students engage in yoga. Jaime has a variety of playlists including; story telling, mindfulness, gratitude, relaxation, concentration, positive thinking, confidence and even disco yoga!
Cosmic Kids has a YouTube that you can subscribe to, click the picture at the top of this blog post to be taken to her YouTube page.
They also have books and DVDs available to purchase and bundles that you can pay for that includes lesson plans also.

The link between Yoga and Gratitude is outlined in an article written by Kirsten and is well worth the read. Click on her picture to go to the article.