QR codes
QR codes are seriously an amazing invention! Just how information can be broken down into little squares and turned into a link is mind blowing stuff! Now... using them in the classroom? Yes please! Nerd Alert - and proud of it!

*If you QR'd that... I'm impressed! And now you know my secret.
The possibilities are endless but I'll share a few ways that I use them.
1. As an organisational tool to give my planner to Relief Teachers - I don't have time or credits to waste printing my planner - I use OneNote to plan and hello... trees and trees of printing is not great.. So what I do is use a QR code that sits in my relief teacher folder that teachers can use to access my Google Drive Planning folder. Teachers have the option to have my planner printed from the Leadership team should they wish, but it means I save time and paper!
*If you're interested in more paperless classroom ideas drop me an email with a question and I'll see if I can help.
If you wish to make a Google Folder or File into a link for a QR code, you need to first change the sharing rule to "Anyone with the Link". Once you do that, copy the shareable link to the clipboard. Then to make a QR code head to this code generator. On the website you insert the copied link into the "website URL" space and click Generate Code. You can download the QR code as a picture (JPG) to print.
If you want to see some real Inception movie work in action - Scan this next QR code and it shows you how to make a document into a QR code! You will need to download it from the Google Drive instead of opening with Google Slides for the video to work.

* This is my first ever screen video using PowerPoint. I found out about this by Googling how to do one and a website said use PowerPoint. I gave it a crack and voila! I'm sure the next ones will be better but like Jim Sill said, "If the first time you try something and it worked, you over thought it!" So hopefully this shows you that you don't have to be an expert to try technology and you can get crafty in cool ways!
2. You can make an Teacher Information card into a QR code. In some classrooms teacher contact details are given to parents. If you are working in a school and you don't want to print out your details, you can make a business card into a QR code. You could even display it on your projector or class T.V. The QR generator that I linked earlier has this option. The amazing thing is, it creates a contact card that you can directly save into your device.

Here is my Business Card
3. You can make QR codes for students to use.
One way I use them is to create quizzes, questions or answers for students. If you use SeeSaw, this program also uses QR codes for students to access their own accounts. You can use the QR website to write text into, or you could link it to a website link that has a quiz attached. The paid version of the QR generator has a quiz option. Alternatively you could use Kahootz! and link a QR code to your quiz.
If you have questions about QR codes please feel free to send me an email!