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Tech Wiz Learning Goals

This year I stumbled across a nifty idea where a fellow educator was printing on Post Its! It made me think about my students' learning goals. I was handwriting them on Post Its and having them stick on a mini-poster on their tables.

1. It was time consuming to write them by hand.

2. They fell off or got smudged or drawn over.

3. I had lots of students with the same goal.

Fast forward to this idea that popped into my head:

I began first by finding the dimensions of a Post It (Thanks Google) and then created a document to see how many I could fit on a page (6).

(You see I am the trial and error type so I just jumped straight into Microsoft Word and began.)

1. You need to have printed the number of blank copies of the text boxes you need so you know where to line up your Post Its.

2. You then need to have typed in the text for the Post Its that you need. Thank heavens for CRTL C and CRTL V.

3. You stick on the Post Its and feed them into the printer the correct way as displayed on your printer. (I have a mono-laser Brother printer that does the job really well and was cheap!)

4. PRINT and Voila! They come out and you can peel and post!

The great benefit of this is the text is clear for the students to read, they do save me time as I have become really quick at printing them. *Handy Tip - keep the blank copies you have made so you can just keep putting Post Its on them and keep the document so you can just keep changing the text.

And an extra bonus - they look fabulous in the room and I have colour coded my goals so the students know that pink is for reading, orange is for maths, and blue is for writing.

If you would like the document click here!

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